Services Of the Club

Inner Wheel Club

History Of Inner Wheel Club

Services Of the Club

Projects Of the Club

Members Of The Club

IMP Members Of the District

Press Releases

Guest Book Page



Community Service

Clubs have adopted schools,orphanages, villages, senior citizens homes, helped Leprosy patients, arranged marriage of poor girls,created awareness against child labour, and use of plastic. They have also distributed hearing aids,tricycles and calipers to the physically disabled,organised vocational training camps for women/ girls to provide them with skills to earn their own living

Educational Service

Clubs help by giving uniforms,books, scholarship and educational aids to needy students; organised extra curricular activities to help develop their personalities like debates,essay competitions. Adult Education in Labour Sector and financial assistance to professional students is undertaken.

Environment Protection

Awareness has been created in rain water harvesting, Tree Planting, Recycling of waste, promoting organic farms, encouraging planting of Medicinal Herbs and proper disposal of garbage.Clubs have organised free Pollution check camps

Personalised Service :

Marriage counseling is provided, career guidance is given to students and help rendered to victims of road accidents.Professionally qualified Inner Wheel members offer free services in their specialised areas.


Medical Assistance :

All Clubs are active in providing Free Medical Check Up Camps, Prevention of AIDS campaigns, free Cancer Detection Camps. Clubs also distribute free Medicines, help people undertake cataract operation, cornea transplant on a regular basis. The Clubs also help to mobilise funds for surgeries. The Clubs involve themselves actively in the donation of Medical equipment to Hospitals and
blood and eye donations.

Polio Plus : Inner Wheel in India is committed to help Rotary free the World of Polio. They join Rotary in the Polio Plus Campaigns.


Natural Calamity :

IW Clubs responded to the earthquake in Gujarat by donating money, clothes, medicines, blankets, tents and other necessities.


Indian Art and Culture:

Clubs endeavour to preserve and revive traditional Indian Art and handicrafts,observe various festivals and National days with residents of orphanages, senior citizens and school children.